May all of Muftiah's dearly loved members... of her vast International SUBUD family... as well as her Facebook Friends... now numbering 946... be fascinated... and bowled over... as she was... by the following pages... of "BAPAK AND THE COMING OF THE LATIHAN"... where Beloved BAPAK... describes his incredible True Experiences... of God's very unique... Thousand Nights of Preparation... for His Beloved son BAPAK... to carry out his Holy Mission... to spread SUBUD... to all of mankind... when he was only thirty-two years old...:-
BAPAK'S STORY is as follows:
In the past Bapak did not want to speak about his Receiving, for Bapak still needed proof of what he had Received. Actually Bapak should have trusted whatever he had Received, but anyway Bapak was still doubtful before seeing proof.
According to Bapak's Receiving in the year 1932, there would later be a second world war and at the end of this war Indonesia would become a free country. Bapak would then have to go round the world to bring what Bapak had Received, namely this Latihan Kejiwaan, to people who had the wish to follow the way of the Latihan Kejiwaan.
At that time Bapak still worked as a civil servant of the Semarang municipality. When Bapak Received that he would travel round the world, Bapak felt that it would be impossible for him to do so, for at that time Bapak was an ordinary employee and had no money, and Bapak really felt that there was no possibility of accomplishing this. Bapak felt that it was not even possible for him to travel round the country, let alone travel round the world. Therefore Bapak kept this matter to himself while waiting to see what situations might arise that would prove the truth of what he had Received.
After the Power of God had brought Bapak into the sphere of the Latihan Kejiwaan, it became necessary for him to give up all his work.
During the year 1933, in the month of March, Bapak requested his release from his position as an official of the above municipality, and he also gave up all his work in side jobs with private companies, though Bapak's income from these occupations was not small. When Bapak had given up his work he was without employment in the outer sense, but it was Willed that Bapak should continuously Receive the Latihan Kejiwaan.
Bapak obeyed this Command, even though it was hard for him, but he stopped all his work because he Had Been Given an understanding of what was to come. Bapak felt rather despondent when he was no longer working and not earning any money, not even a cent, especially at times when he was out walking and saw things which he had previously been able to buy for the needs of his family. Bapak felt a heaviness of heart rising and falling within him.
But thanks to God, Who Had Strengthened Bapak's inner self, his inner feelings, which were sometimes weak, Were Transformed and became strong, so that the feeling of heaviness in his heart soon disappeared.
In short, Bapak passed through many trials at this time of his life but, by the Grace of God, the All-Loving and All-Compassionate, he felt as though all these things were of no importance. Furthermore, Bapak's endurance was increased by all that happened in the Latihan Kejiwaan.
Therefore at that time and from then on, Bapak only attended to the brothers who wished to follow the Latihan Kejiwaan as Bapak did. As for the food and clothing which Bapak needed for life in this world, by the Grace of God Bapak was just able to manage.
(I THE PROOF... to be Continued)
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