These four Talks were given by Bapak in London during the First SUBUD International Congress, August 1959. There were more than 1000 SUBUD Members attending from over forty countries present.
Talk I - THE TEACHINGS OF THE PROPHETS AND THE ACTION OF SUBUD... 11 August 1959... Friends' House, Euston Road.
Ladies and gentlemen, before Bapak gives explanations about the realm of the soul, he would first like to welcome all those present at this Meeting, and also to ask your forgiveness should anything in what he is going to say offend you.
First of all, Bapak wishes to make clear the Principles and Purpose of the Latihan of SUBUD, which you have Received and are practicing.
This Latihan of SUBUD is in truth our worship of God, Awakened in us by the Power of God at the same time as it arrests the interference of our thinking minds, our hearts and our desires.
This means that the Latihan we have Received is Awakened only by the Will of the One Almighty God Whom we worship.
If it comes from God and by the Will of God, it follows that it will, of itself, lead us towards God - towards the One Who Wills it. And, since all this comes by the Will of God, we can be certain that the Principles of the Latihan are in accordance with What Is Intended by God for humankind as a whole.
The human qualities needed in order to Receive the Gift of God in the right way are symbolized in our community by the words SUSILA BUDHI DHARMA.
SUSILA : denotes those qualities giving rise to a character, conduct and actions that are truly humane, and in accordance with the Will of God.
BUDHI : means that in all creatures, including human beings, there manifests something to draw them towards their proper path - the Path that leads to God.
DHARMA : signifies willingness to let go, acceptance and submission to God, Awakened in human beings by the Will of God Himself.
These are the qualities of a person able to Receive the Commandments of God and the Gifts of God, both for the needs of their life on this earth and for their life after death.
These qualities are Willed by God so they may be able to Receive fully all that God Has Ordained concerning human life upon earth.
These Principles and Aims of SUBUD can be summed up by saying that it is God's Will that we live on this earth, worship God and return to God.
This agrees with the words of the prophets: 'Coming from God and returning to God.'
Therefore you don't need to worry, feel concerned or doubtful about the Principles and Aims of SUBUD since it is clear that what we have Received does not spring from our own minds or desires, but from the Will of God within us.
(To be Continued Thursday 9/2/10... here on Muftiah's Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... where via the free Google Translate service... on your Browser... it can be read in many other languages... Insha Allah... God Willing...)