"BAPAK AND THE COMING OF THE LATIHAN"... IV BAPAK'S FIRST WORLD JOURNEY (Beginning today Thursday 8/19/10... on both Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA" and "MUFTIAH"...)
At the time when Bapak Received, He Was Told Among Other Things That After Another Great War, The Second World War, He Would Have To Travel Round The World And Make This Latihan Known To Mankind. And Mankind - Though Not Everybody - Would Accept It And Accept That What Bapak Brought Did Truly Come From Almighty God.
Bapak wondered at the time how this could be possible, for to travel round the world certainly costs no small sum, and at that time he had no money. At least, he had about enough to travel round Java, just round Indonesia, supposing he had to. But if it had been a matter of going round the world, that would have been impossible.
He Was Told He Would Go Round And Round The World.
Bapak only half believed it; he did not disbelieve but felt he could not quite accept it. It was still a case of 'Well yes, I only hope I may see it come true'.
That was still in the year 1932, whereas not until 1939, seven years later, did the Second World War begin. In 1932 Bapak had by no means envisaged a second world war; then it came. Bapak felt that all this fitted in, only how would it be possible for him to go round the world afterwards? Maybe later on someone would appear and provide the means for Bapak to do so.
Then, after the Second World War, such a person did appear, a man who was simply Used by God as an instrument. What happened was not because of the man himself; it all came from God.
At the time when Bapak moved to Jogja, a foreigner named Husein Rofe happened to be there. Bapak will tell you about him. He originally came from this country, England. This Rofe was a seeker, and while pursuing his search he earned his living by giving English lessons.
Eventually he spoke of his search to one of his pupils, telling him that the real reason he had come to Jogja was to look for someone who had Real Knowledge; if it was just a matter of religion he was not interested, since he was himself fluent in Arabic and well able to read the Qur'an.
So, plainly, Rofe was already tired of that and did not want it. What he sought was Evidence. His pupil told him such a man did exist, and asked whether Rofe would like to have a guru (teacher), because this man happened to be the pupil's guru. Rofe asked to be taken to meet him.
The pupil brought Rofe to Bapak's house and introduced him. Bapak asked what had brought him there, and Rofe said he very much wished to learn from Bapak. 'Oh', said Bapak, 'I have no Knowledge; the Knowledge is God's. I am merely someone who can give you this Contact if you truly desire it'. Rofe said he did indeed desire it, and he seemed very eager.
Bapak Opened Rofe. He Opened him at once, and Rofe performed the sembahjang (Islamic praying with prostrations). After worshipping, he Began To Spin Round And Round While Uttering Sounds Like 'Wo-ong, Wo-ong, Wo-ong'. Then He Fell To The Floor And Sat There. Bapak stopped him.
Bapak then asked him how was it, what had he Received. This, he said, was exactly what he had come from England to Indonesia to look for. He had gone off course in going to Bali, where he saw the Balinese doing various things he did not want.
He came back and met all the kiaji (holy men) of the Muslim faith - Muhammadiyah and Ahmadiyah. They all produced reasoned proof from the Qur'an, but he said there was no need to tell him those things, because he had already read them for himself. They asked him what, then, was he looking for. Rofe told them he was looking for the Content; if any Content Did Indeed Exist, that was what he sought above all else.
("BAPAK AND THE COMING OF THE LATIHAN"... IV BAPAK'S FIRST WORLD JOURNEY Continued Monday 8/23/10... on both Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA" and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing...)