17 August 1959
Friends' House, Euston Road
Ladies and gentlemen, Bapak welcomes you to this meeting this evening.
As Bapak said the other day, in reality what relates to the soul is not the work of human beings but of God; a human being simply receives God's Work within his or her being.
But, because of the greed of the human heart and of human desire, human beings claim God's Work for themselves when they create teachings to help others find the right Way to God.
The result is that, in the end, human beings are more familiar with the working of their own mind than with the True Way that leads to God.
With the appearance in the world of SUBUD - that is, of the Latihan you have Received and have been practicing - you return to an experience that, though it may appear to be new, is in reality very old. It has been present in human beings since they were first Created on this earth.
Bapak said that the soul is God's Responsibility, because it is the content of every living creature.
So, in a human being the soul is the content, which means that - whether it is the right kind or not - it has authority and holds the initiative in their inner feeling.
However, being unaware of this, we regard whatever we do as coming from our own intention.
People are unable, of themselves, to know and understand (the true situation), because their powers of understanding and knowledge are merely instruments, and their thoughts and feelings arise only as a result of the initiative and influence of the forces working within them.
So it's clear that it is the presence, within a person, of a soul that does not correspond to his or her human form that leads them to a state of misery, both with regard to their health and to their actions and behavior.
This is because they will pursue only the pleasures of their heart and the impulses of their passions, forgetting the limits of their strength. This causes all sorts of illnesses and all sorts of suffering of the inner feeling and of the body, which become increasingly severe as time goes on.
People try to cure their illnesses and the faults within their being using their intelligence and their thinking, but that just patches up something that is inherently defective or damaged.
So, even though it is repaired, it still remains damaged. They are unable to discover the prime cause that lies at the root of all that has gone wrong, since their effort does not go beyond the use of the thinking mind.
The fact is that the most dangerous disease is not the kind that produces physical symptoms, but the kind that lies in the character or inner nature of a person.
This is a more dangerous kind of disease than cancer and the like. Bapak will illustrate.
Out of a thousand people perhaps only ten are afflicted by physical illness; but if one person has a flawed character that causes him to seek only his own advantage and to strive for the total gratification of his desires and passions, he may drag down thousands of others to misery and death - as happens in war and other calamities.
It is truly a paradox that on the one hand people look after themselves and look after their health very well, yet on the other hand they incite others to fight one another through war.
So they are spared from illnesses but succumb instead to the sickness of war, which demands thousands and millions of casualties.
As a result of this, in time of war people hardly know the meaning of good will towards other human beings.
Such is the effect of forces that are out of place within the self of human beings - they provoke people to destroy each other.
Therefore the best way - the way we need to find - is one that enables us to transform people's character so they truly come to appreciate human life; to feel the feelings of people everywhere; to know what harmony in human life is like, and to know one God and one human race.
(II GOD AND THE SOUL... To be Continued Thursday 9/30/10... on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing... where via the free Google Translate Service... set up on your Browser... it can be read in many other languages... and in much easier... and larger to read print...)