Thursday, October 14, 2010


THE MEANING OF SUBUD...  Talk  III  THE DEFECTS OF THE SOUL... Beginning today Thursday 10/14/10...

22 August 1959
Friends' House, Euston Road 

Ladies and gentlemen, in continuation of Bapak's explanations about the Spiritual Way, he offers this explanation to all of you who have felt the need to come to this meeting house tonight.

Please do not misunderstand these explanations that Bapak is giving and take them as a teaching.  They really are explanations, given because all of you certainly need explanations about this Spiritual Way, in order that your thinking mind and desires may become pliable.

As Bapak has said before, in the life of any being it is the soul that is the main factor or the leader.  So if the soul is wrong, that is to say, if the soul that occupies a being does not correspond to its visible form, 
then the behavior of the being will always be wrong.

Before the visible form begins to take shape, the soul is present as the future content of the being that will form around it.  

So, it is with the soul already present within it that the outward form begins to develop and finally comes to its completion - as the visible form in which the soul is present.

Bapak will illustrate how this happens. 

The way a soul enters a being, and the kind of soul that enters, depend on what happened before the being was created and on how it was created. 

This - Bapak says frankly - has to do with the union between a man and a woman.  In most cases, the union between a man and a woman is motivated by an energy that is an accumulation of the atmosphere they have experienced in this world.  

This becomes a lens within (what will become) the visible being, which awakens (and attracts) whatever soul has the opportunity to enter it.

For example:  human beings are usually unable to put aside their desire to be happier than others, and to be able to provide for their daily lives. 

This means that, overall, their inner nature, their heart and all of their feelings are directed to the atmosphere of this world;  that is, towards matter. 

When this is the case, a way or opening is created that makes it possible for the material force to enter into the new being.

Furthermore, when a man and woman are not free from emotions that are continually influenced by greed, and have no love and compassion towards others, it is because these are human characteristics awakened by the vegetable forces. 

If a new human seed arises from the union of a man and wife in whom these qualities are present, then that seed will be a focus for the entry of the vegetable force.

Human beings - men and women alike - are also affected by and contain in their natures the characteristics that render them pitiless towards those who may be at their mercy; that is to say, they will refuse to pardon a defeated enemy, even one who is begging for mercy. 

They pursue only their own importance, high standing, and victory over others;  they avoid contact with anyone who they fear may deprive them of any of their pleasures and satisfactions. 

If a new human seed comes into being through the union of a husband and a wife with these characteristics present in them, that seed will become a focal point for the entry of forces of the animal level.

Moreover, the new seed can become a target for the entry of the force of the ordinary human level when the husband and the wife have characters that are self-important, believing that their powers are the result of their own superiority. 

Such people do not feel and recognize that they exist in this world because God Has Created them.  In reality such people only worship themselves and not God's Greatness.

These four life forces that Bapak has just spoken about constantly interact with the human inner feeling, because they work in parallel with the main human functions:  the thinking, the heart, the desires and the feelings. 

It is these four functions in human beings that provide the target or form through which the four life forces can enter.

Apart from these four forces, which continually interact with and exert pressure on the human self, there is also a Higher Force, Exercising A Superior Influence upon a person's entire being;  but its nature is above and beyond the reach and working of the human thinking mind, heart, desires and feelings. 

This Fifth Power requires no particular form (by which to enter and work in a person), because forms are the manifestations of the will, the heart and the brain. 

For this Power, a person needs to be in a state where they are facing God, in a state comparable to the vastness of the ocean - where they are free of form. 

Only Then Will The Fifth Power Enter Into A Person And Open Their Awareness To The Immensity Of Life, Embracing Both This World And The Life Beyond It.

THE MEANING OF SUBUD -  III  THE DEFECTS OF THE SOUL... To be Continued Monday 10/18/10... on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing... where via the free Google Translate Service... set up on your Browser... it can be read in many other languages... and in much easier... and larger to read print...) 

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