THE MEANING OF SUBUD - III THE DEFECTS OF THE SOUL... Continued today Monday 10/18/10...
That is why it is very rare in this world for people to be able to Receive the influence of the Fifth Power within their being - as was the case with the Prophets that you have heard of.
Bapak says it is rare, because the only kind of people who were able to Receive what he just described were the Prophets whose lives are recorded in the books of the various religions.
But Bapak cannot say Whether God's Choice Is Limited To Those People Who Lived In Bygone Days Or Whether It May Be God's Will That Many People Living At The Present Time Will Also Be Able To Receive In The Same Way.
As Bapak has already said, if a person is entirely filled by the material forces, then all their functions - the coarse as well as the fine, their brain, heart, desires and feelings - will be no more than tools at the disposal of the forces that have become their Inner Content.
It follows from this, that all the experiences a person has passed through, their education, and all training of their intellect, heart and feelings, will be no more than useful instruments to serve better the purposes of the low forces that occupy their Inner World.
For this reason, when a person is filled with the material, vegetable or animal forces, it is not possible to change and improve their habits and their character by giving them advice, or by imposing rules designed to make them behave rightly and follow the True Path indicated by those who have Received Guidance in the various religions.
Bapak will illustrate this.
Take a tiger: however long you train it to behave like a gentle animal, the tiger - with its sharp teeth, its sharp claws and its fondness for raw meat - always remains a tiger.
It is certain that one day, if there is an opportunity, perhaps through the negligence of the person guarding it, the tiger will attack whoever happens to be nearby.
It is the same with a cat. You look after it and give it good food - bread, butter, soup and so on - but it will never give up its particular prey, the mouse. Although according to human standards a cat may be surrounded by good food, it will always pounce upon any mouse that crosses its path.
This illustrates what Bapak said before. A person may have been well educated: 'You shouldn't do that because it is wrong, and as a human being you should be like this...' but, because the mainspring of a person's life, the chief motivating power of their entire being, consists of forces belonging to the material, vegetable and animal levels, they will be unable to be free from these in any of their actions.
This is, in truth, a kind of sickness, which cannot be seen but which is extremely dangerous for the well-being of humankind.
Diseases such as cancer and tuberculosis are considered difficult to deal with, yet a cure can still be pursued through human effort and human thought.
But with this disease it is impossible, because here the disease has taken over the person's Inner Self and rules their life.
Even their consciousness comes from this inappropriate force that has become their Inner Content.
You may verify this from your own experience. If you are respected and esteemed by others, you will certainly feel proud and happy; but on the other hand, you will feel depressed or even angry if they criticize or despise you.
These reactions prove the existence of such a sickness in your soul.
God, our Creator, Is Not Like That. And If We Wish To Be Near God, At The Very Least We Need To Be Able To Follow And Imitate God, Even Though We Cannot Do So Completely.
It Is God's Nature To Be Able To Unite With Anything And Everything That God Has Created.
This Means That God Is Truly One In Feeling With Whoever May Stand Before God, So If God's Creature Suffers, God Also Suffers.
God Is Able To Be One With All God's Creatures, Including Human Beings.
God Can Unite With The Whole Human Race, So Whatever A Person May Feel Within Themselves, God Feels It Too.
Similarly, Whatever is Felt By Every Animal, God Feels That.
The Same Is True For All Plant Life And Also For Creatures That Are Invisible To Us.
Such Is The Nature Of God, And Such Is The Example We Need To Follow To The Best Of Our Ability.
THE MEANING OF SUBUD - III THE DEFECTS OF THE SOUL... To be Continued Thursday 10/21/10... on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing... where via the free Google Translate Service... set up on your Browser... it can be read in many other languages... and in much easier... and larger to read print...)
That is why it is very rare in this world for people to be able to Receive the influence of the Fifth Power within their being - as was the case with the Prophets that you have heard of.
Bapak says it is rare, because the only kind of people who were able to Receive what he just described were the Prophets whose lives are recorded in the books of the various religions.
But Bapak cannot say Whether God's Choice Is Limited To Those People Who Lived In Bygone Days Or Whether It May Be God's Will That Many People Living At The Present Time Will Also Be Able To Receive In The Same Way.
As Bapak has already said, if a person is entirely filled by the material forces, then all their functions - the coarse as well as the fine, their brain, heart, desires and feelings - will be no more than tools at the disposal of the forces that have become their Inner Content.
It follows from this, that all the experiences a person has passed through, their education, and all training of their intellect, heart and feelings, will be no more than useful instruments to serve better the purposes of the low forces that occupy their Inner World.
For this reason, when a person is filled with the material, vegetable or animal forces, it is not possible to change and improve their habits and their character by giving them advice, or by imposing rules designed to make them behave rightly and follow the True Path indicated by those who have Received Guidance in the various religions.
Bapak will illustrate this.
Take a tiger: however long you train it to behave like a gentle animal, the tiger - with its sharp teeth, its sharp claws and its fondness for raw meat - always remains a tiger.
It is certain that one day, if there is an opportunity, perhaps through the negligence of the person guarding it, the tiger will attack whoever happens to be nearby.
It is the same with a cat. You look after it and give it good food - bread, butter, soup and so on - but it will never give up its particular prey, the mouse. Although according to human standards a cat may be surrounded by good food, it will always pounce upon any mouse that crosses its path.
This illustrates what Bapak said before. A person may have been well educated: 'You shouldn't do that because it is wrong, and as a human being you should be like this...' but, because the mainspring of a person's life, the chief motivating power of their entire being, consists of forces belonging to the material, vegetable and animal levels, they will be unable to be free from these in any of their actions.
This is, in truth, a kind of sickness, which cannot be seen but which is extremely dangerous for the well-being of humankind.
Diseases such as cancer and tuberculosis are considered difficult to deal with, yet a cure can still be pursued through human effort and human thought.
But with this disease it is impossible, because here the disease has taken over the person's Inner Self and rules their life.
Even their consciousness comes from this inappropriate force that has become their Inner Content.
You may verify this from your own experience. If you are respected and esteemed by others, you will certainly feel proud and happy; but on the other hand, you will feel depressed or even angry if they criticize or despise you.
These reactions prove the existence of such a sickness in your soul.
God, our Creator, Is Not Like That. And If We Wish To Be Near God, At The Very Least We Need To Be Able To Follow And Imitate God, Even Though We Cannot Do So Completely.
It Is God's Nature To Be Able To Unite With Anything And Everything That God Has Created.
This Means That God Is Truly One In Feeling With Whoever May Stand Before God, So If God's Creature Suffers, God Also Suffers.
God Is Able To Be One With All God's Creatures, Including Human Beings.
God Can Unite With The Whole Human Race, So Whatever A Person May Feel Within Themselves, God Feels It Too.
Similarly, Whatever is Felt By Every Animal, God Feels That.
The Same Is True For All Plant Life And Also For Creatures That Are Invisible To Us.
Such Is The Nature Of God, And Such Is The Example We Need To Follow To The Best Of Our Ability.
THE MEANING OF SUBUD - III THE DEFECTS OF THE SOUL... To be Continued Thursday 10/21/10... on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing... where via the free Google Translate Service... set up on your Browser... it can be read in many other languages... and in much easier... and larger to read print...)