Thursday, November 11, 2010



THE MEANING OF SUBUD -  Talk IV  SUBMISSION... Concluded today Thursday 11/11/10...

Ladies and gentlemen, 

Bapak has now finished answering your questions about the meaning of surrender and wishes to continue with a few words to all of you.

Brothers and sisters, Bapak feels full of awe that such is the Working of the Power of God that we have Received that, although we have been working for many days, this SUBUD Congress has gone on in such a good way because of His Mercy and Grace.  

Why is that? 

This is the situation of the Congress, because, as Bapak said earlier, God Protects Us And Gives Us His Blessing;  He Bestows His Mercy on us, for what we have been undertaking is according to God's Will. 

We should therefore give thanks to the Greatness Of God For His Guidance And Directions which We Have Received through the Working of His Power In Us Without Ourselves Being Aware Of It. 

And in this situation we must and should be grateful to God that this Congress has proceeded so smoothly and well and has made it  possible for us to bring order - though not yet perfect and complete - into the conduct of the SUBUD affairs.  

To sort out and arrange to some extent and in the best possible way some principles which can be understood and followed by all our brothers and sisters everywhere who are now spread all over the world. 

This is the way God Guides and Leads us human beings, so that we, without ourselves being aware of it, are able to undertake things without being influenced by our desires and passions. 

This is what Bapak has seen and witnessed during this Congress. 

Bapak has been giving you explanations according to your need;  the purpose of which is that you shoud deal with all that had to be discussed in the Congress without involving your desires and passions. 

The message and advice which Bapak has been giving you, you have been able to Receive, so that any discussions you have held have not resulted in any serious disagreements between you. 

And now we have come to the end of the Congress, and the atmosphere is one of peace and has a quieting effect upon our hearts.

As to the length of this Congress, which has gone on for three weeks, :this is not because we have had to face difficult problems. 

But, in reality, it has been for drawing people closer together - heart to heart and feeling to feeling, making a good relationship. 

Apart from this, it may be that you wished to be near Bapak, while Bapak, on the other hand, wished to be near to you, his children. 

So that the length of time and duration of the Congress, has not only been occupied with the necessary discussions for solving problems, but also with listening to hear Bapak's Talks and hear his advice, which you may need.

Because this SUBUD Congress has achieved success in a peaceful way, it will serve to clarify the necessary undertakings that are ahead of us, that have arisen as a result of it.

These should be carried out peacefully and without letting ourselves be merely dictated to by our own mind, but with the same spirit with which we have worked in this Congress, and not one that is filled with the passions. 

The result of this is that, when you return home from here, you may be able to fulfill your obligations with the true spirit of brotherhood, and do things in a brotherly way, truly as members of a family; thus avoiding disagreements or quarrels in your various groups or centers. 

For you have been witness and experienced an example that has been given here during the Congress, in which you have discussed important questions, which ordinarily, through the mind, might have caused tension and quarrels, and would lead to disputes of an intellectual nature, did not do so. 

This has not happened.  

For what has been obtained and achieved in this Congress is the result of a peaceful and happy atmosphere, because you have been willing to give way to one another; for, indeed, what we seek for is the Truth.

This example which you have lived through during this time and the experience of people working harmoniously together should help you, when you return to your own place.

Meaning that you practice the sane spirit, and thus bring into existence harmony, peace and happiness, with which each one of you should fulfill his duty.

What you have experienced here, will eventually bring harmony.  It will bring discipline and it will bring joy to the way each person carries out their responsibilities.

It is indeed the Will of God that human beings should worship Him according to His Will - to be peaceful and pure of heart and feelings. 

This should serve as a guideline and the direction you should take in order to attain the necessary level for each one of you.  

You should possess an Inner State that is both pure and clean, and a readiness to give way to others, and no longer to be under the influence of the lower forces whose characteristics Bapak has explained to you in his earlier Talks.

Now, speaking as a human being to other human beings, Bapak praises all those who have undertaken the arrangements for the Congress and those responsible for preparing all the documents - all of which have been done so well. 

Although it is all thanks to the Grace of God, as a human being Bapak must express his appreciation and boundless gratitude that you have been able to carry out a task that is actually very difficult, and have done it very well and lightly.

As his final words, Bapak prays that each one of you will have a safe journey home under God's Protection;  be reunited with your families in a state of happiness, security and well-being;  and that you will be able to fulfill your obligations in an excellent way.

This is the end of Bapak's words to you all on this last day.  

And Bapak hopes you will forgive him for only being available today and tomorrow to help you with your questions and other matters.

That is all. Thank you very much.


(To be Continued Monday 11/15/10... with the Beginning of Bapak's Talks on LOVE, MARRIAGE AND SEX...  Talk I  THE UNION OF MAN AND WOMAN IS THE SECRET OF LIFE... only on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page...

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