Monday, July 26, 2010


"BAPAK AND THE COMING OF THE LATIHAN"...  II  BAPAK'S OPENING... (Continued today 7/26/10...):-

When Bapak was a child he already experienced mysterious phenomena, or clairvoyance. Often when Bapak saw people who were quarreling or fighting he felt pain in his body, and later when Bapak had grown up and he wished to see a cinema or a stage performance, he would feel very cold and shiver.

Later, when Bapak grew up, a man suddenly appeared - yet he was not a man, as Bapak knew because it was in the middle of the night, when Bapak was asleep. Bapak was then fifteen years old. And this man awakened Bapak. Bapak awoke and saw someone of middle age or older, dressed all in black, carrying a staff. He said to me, to Bapak: 

"Remember, when you are thirty-two years old, you will be called by Almighty God".

Having said this he disappeared. Bapak could not sleep again after that, because at thirty-two Bapak would still be young. What was the use of studying, what was the use of living here any longer. Why should I trouble myself to study if I would have to die at 32, for according to Bapak's understanding to be called by God meant to die.

But later on Bapak forgot about it and Bapak then worked, and during that period Bapak worked and studied. That means, when Bapak was still young he very much liked to learn and to study. When he was about 18 years old, Bapak started to work for a railway company in Surabaja, and finally he moved to Semarang and worked for the Municipality.

When he was young, Bapak was very fond of going to elderly people, or gurus of spiritual matters, that is, of a spiritual teaching that can bring about nobility in our life after death. 

But these elderly people did not give much and they were, rather, not inclined to give anything to Bapak because they said that Bapak ought not to come to them to be taught, as he would in the end be able to Receive directly from the Grace of Almighty God.

Among the elderly people mentioned above, there was a Kiaji (guru) called Kiaji Abdurrachman, of the village of Jatirogo, in Central Java. His teaching originated from Sunan Ampel, a Wali (a man who has Received the perfect human state) who came from Mekkah. Bapak did not receive very much from Kiaji Abdurrachman. On the contrary, the late Kiaji Abdurrachman often said that Bapak ought not to come to him to be taught, because Bapak would finally be able to Receive directly from Rasul Allah (The Prophet of Allah).

This explanation of the late Kiaji Abdurrachman was heard by his disciples who were present at the time. Therefore, there were quite a number of his pupils who then approached Bapak with the aim of getting whatever Bapak had Received from the Grace of Almighty God. 

Whereas, at that time, Bapak felt that he had not Received anything yet. But fortunately not very long after this, that is in 1930, Bapak was Graced by Almighty God.

Monday, July 19, 2010



Indeed, brothers and sisters, an important event certainly has a history. 

It is the more so with the event of the coming into existence of the Latihan Kejiwaan of SUBUD, which has made it possible for man to Receive purification of his inner feeling and improvement of his jiwa towards perfection, in accordance with the Will of Almighty God.  It certainly has a history.

As for the reason why it is Bapak who became the pioneer in the field of the Latihan Kejiwaan of SUBUD, Bapak himself does not know the answer, only Almighty God Knows, Who Knows all things.

However, if there is a connection between this event and Bapak, Bapak can say that it so happened that Bapak was born the same day, the same month and year as the Prophet Muhammad.

It is only by coincidence, brothers and sisters - if Bapak tells you - that Bapak was born at daybreak, at 4.30 a.m. in the morning, and the day and the time were the same as at the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. 

Bapak's birth, regarding time, day, month and year, was the same.  This is just a coincidence, it is not that it was arranged that Bapak should be born at the same time.  Bapak does not understand it.  It just happened 
that the births took place at the same time.  

But Bapak is not the Prophet Muhammad; Bapak is just Bapak Muhammad Subuh, a poor man, a humble man, a man who is liable to fall sick.

As for the date, month and year of the Christian calendar, Bapak was born on the 22nd of June, 1901, in the village of Kedungjati, in the county of Grobogan, in the Semarang area, in Central Java, just at the 
time when Mount Kelut erupted heavily.

Bapak was born at dawn, about five o'clock in the morning, that is, at the time when the Moslems offer their morning prayer.  Just after he was born, forty cannon shots were fired to mark the beginning of the Grebeg Sekatan festival, for people say that Grebeg Sekatan is the time determined as the birth time of the Prophet Muhammad, that is, in the month of Maulud, in the year Dhal [according to the Islamic calendar].

Bapak was given the name Soekarno by his grandfather.  But with that name Bapak was always ill, and therefore his name was soon changed to another name, Muhammad Subuh, to correspond with the time of 
Bapak's birth which was at subuh (dawn).  After Bapak's name was changed to Muhammad Subuh he was always healthy and seldom fell ill.

Bapak's father was called Chasidi. During his lifetime he worked as an officer of a railway company and after he retired he worked on his own farm as a farmer.  

Bapak's late father was a descendant (grandson) of Kiaji Muhammad Abubakar, or, originally, Pangeran (meaning "prince") Sajid Muhammad Abubakar.  It was told that he came from Jogjakarta, in Central Java.

Bapak's mother's name is Siti Kursinah. She is a descendant of Pangeran (Prince) Purbokusumo, a descendant of Sunan Kalijogo of Kadilangu Demak.

(BAPAK'S OPENING... To be Continued... God Willing... Thursday July 22nd 2010...)

Thursday, July 15, 2010


By the Grace of Almighty God, Bapak and his family were able to survive in such a condition until the year 1945;  that is, when the second world war ended and Indonesia became a free country.

In the year 1945 Bapak and his family moved to Jogjakarta, where Bapak worked in the Government as chief of the financial section of the Army Medical Corps, and every Thursday and Saturday, in the evening, Bapak Opened brothers who wished to follow the Latihan Kejiwaan.

At the beginning of the year 1948, Bapak asked to resign from his position, because he felt that working as a soldier was not in accordance with Bapak's Jiwa (inner-force).

Bapak then set up an enterprise as a building contractor, assisted by brothers who were experts in this field and who had Received the Latihan Kejiwaan.

Bapak wishes to mention here that when he was in Jogjakarta and worked there he was always waiting for the opportunity to find a way to go abroad, as he had been Commanded to do when he was still at Semarang in the year 1933.

Indeed all the Messages Received by Bapak had already proved true: but Bapak had not yet received proof of the truth of the Message that after the second world war and after the liberation of Indonesia, Bapak would be required to go abroad in order to spread the Latihan Kejiwaan. Even so, Bapak firmly believed that he would do this and that it was only a matter of waiting for the best time.

In the beginning of the year 1954, Bapak felt that he had to move to Jakarta and so Bapak moved there immediately. In Jakarta, Bapak and his family stayed at Kebajoran Baru [a suburb of Jakarta], but soon Bapak moved from there to jalan jawa [a street in Jakarta].

Only after Bapak had moved to Jakarta did the expected time come, that is, the time when it really became possible for Bapak to go abroad and there Open and guide people who wished to follow the Latihan Kejiwaan.

Bapak made several journeys abroad with the result that the Latihan Kejiwaan of SUBUD spread widely and was followed by brothers and sisters of various races, countries and religions.

This, brothers and sisters, was the proof of what Bapak had Received long before and which Bapak had felt, at the time of Receiving it, was something that could not possibly come about. And now, since everything has come true, Bapak feels it is necessary to tell you about what Bapak had Received and Experienced in the past; but Bapak will tell you only what is necessary.

(To be Continued with:  II  BAPAK'S OPENING...)

Monday, July 12, 2010


May all of Muftiah's dearly loved members... of her vast International SUBUD family... as well as her Facebook Friends... now numbering 946... be fascinated... and bowled over... as she was... by the following pages... of "BAPAK AND THE COMING OF THE LATIHAN"... where Beloved BAPAK... describes his incredible True Experiences... of God's very unique... Thousand Nights of Preparation... for His Beloved son BAPAK... to carry out his Holy Mission... to spread SUBUD... to all of mankind... when he was only thirty-two years old...:-      

BAPAK'S STORY is as follows:


In the past Bapak did not want to speak about his Receiving, for Bapak still needed proof of what he had Received. Actually Bapak should have trusted whatever he had Received, but anyway Bapak was still doubtful before seeing proof. 

According to Bapak's Receiving in the year 1932, there would later be a second world war and at the end of this war Indonesia would become a free country. Bapak would then have to go round the world to bring what Bapak had Received, namely this Latihan Kejiwaan, to people who had the wish to follow the way of the Latihan Kejiwaan. 

At that time Bapak still worked as a civil servant of the Semarang municipality. When Bapak Received that he would travel round the world, Bapak felt that it would be impossible for him to do so, for at that time Bapak was an ordinary employee and had no money, and Bapak really felt that there was no possibility of accomplishing this. Bapak felt that it was not even possible for him to travel round the country, let alone travel round the world. Therefore Bapak kept this matter to himself while waiting to see what situations might arise that would prove the truth of what he had Received.

After the Power of God had brought Bapak into the sphere of the Latihan Kejiwaan, it became necessary for him to give up all his work. 

During the year 1933, in the month of March, Bapak requested his release from his position as an official of the above municipality, and he also gave up all his work in side jobs with private companies, though Bapak's income from these occupations was not small. When Bapak had given up his work he was without employment in the outer sense, but it was Willed that Bapak should continuously Receive the Latihan Kejiwaan.

Bapak obeyed this Command, even though it was hard for him, but he stopped all his work because he Had Been Given an understanding of what was to come. Bapak felt rather despondent when he was no longer working and not earning any money, not even a cent, especially at times when he was out walking and saw things which he had previously been able to buy for the needs of his family. Bapak felt a heaviness of heart rising and falling within him.

But thanks to God, Who Had Strengthened Bapak's inner self, his inner feelings, which were sometimes weak, Were Transformed and became strong, so that the feeling of heaviness in his heart soon disappeared.

In short, Bapak passed through many trials at this time of his life but, by the Grace of God, the All-Loving and All-Compassionate, he felt as though all these things were of no importance. Furthermore, Bapak's endurance was increased by all that happened in the Latihan Kejiwaan.

Therefore at that time and from then on, Bapak only attended to the brothers who wished to follow the Latihan Kejiwaan as Bapak did.  As for the food and clothing which Bapak needed for life in this world, by the Grace of God Bapak was just able to manage.

(I  THE PROOF...  to be Continued)