Thursday, September 30, 2010


THE MEANING OF SUBUD -  II  GOD AND THE SOUL... Continued today Thursday 9/30/10... 

That is why religions don't discriminate in their rules and content between people of different races.  Whoever is willing to embrace the religion is accepted and brought to the worship of God.

So, in religion there is no discrimination between races and other groupings; and it is the same with us in SUBUD 

In the Latihan there is no discrimination between race or religion, because any discrimination between human beings becomes a block in our progress towards God. 

A person who keeps an animal makes sure that it is well cared for and comes to no harm; but there are quite a number of people who, at times, look upon their fellow men as lower than the animals. 

It is taught by the Prophets - the Messengers - that if you wish to be loved you must also love others and it is the same for them. 

The greatest obstacle for a person is not hatred of God, but hatred of their fellow men.  If a person hates, or dislikes God, that doesn't matter, as that can easily Be Changed And Cleared.  But if they do not like other people and other living things, that is more difficult, for it darkens the atmosphere of their feelings in a more serious way.

Therefore, in SUBUD, in your worship, Bapak would like you to look upon all living beings - upon all your brothers and sisters - as you do yourself, truly one in feeling, truly united.  

For the heart and the thinking mind, which continually make a distinction between 'I' and 'you', are only motivated by the low forces, forces that always seek to bring about disorder in human life, so that human beings argue with one another.

That is what the low forces want; they want human beings to fall from their proper level so that low forces can take their place.  This is the way and behavior of the low forces; they fill people's being in order that they may carry out their will without people being aware of it. 

Since the entire being of a person - their feelings, heart and brain - are permeated by these forces, it is impossible for that person to perceive reality or understand his or her true condition.

The truth is that there is no other option for humankind as a whole, or for each one of you individually, but to return to Almighty God.  

And the condition for being close to God is to surrender, with patience, acceptance and willingness to let go, as the Prophets did - among them Jesus. 

Jesus once said, 'The only one whom I love and to whom I am ready to sacrifice my body and soul is God my Father, whom I worship both in this world and in the life after death.' 

That is why Bapak always recommends that in your Latihan you should have real faith, and surrender with patience and acceptance to the greatness of God, Whose Power you have Received - although still only to a small degree - in this Latihan we practice.

(THE MEANING OF SUBUD -  II  GOD AND THE SOUL... To be Continued Monday 10/4/10... on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs..  "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing... where via the free Google Translate Service... set up on your Browser... it can be read in many other languages... and in much easier... and larger to read print...) 

Monday, September 27, 2010


THE MEANING OF SUBUD...  Talk  II  GOD AND THE SOUL... Beginning today 9/27/10...

17 August 1959
Friends' House, Euston Road 

Ladies and gentlemen, Bapak welcomes you to this meeting this evening.

As Bapak said the other day, in reality what relates to the soul is not the work of human beings but of God; a human being simply receives God's Work within his or her being. 

But, because of the greed of the human heart and of human desire, human beings claim God's Work for themselves when they create teachings to help others find the right Way to God. 

The result is that, in the end, human beings are more familiar with the working of their own mind than with the True Way that leads to God.

With the appearance in the world of SUBUD - that is, of the Latihan you have Received and have been practicing - you return to an experience that, though it may appear to be new, is in reality very old.  It has been present in human beings since they were first Created on this earth.

Bapak said that the soul is God's Responsibility, because it is the content of every living creature.  

So, in a human being the soul is the content, which means that - whether it is the right kind or not - it has authority and holds the initiative in their inner feeling. 

However, being unaware of this, we regard whatever we do as coming from our own intention.  

People are unable, of themselves, to know and understand (the true situation), because their powers of understanding and knowledge are merely instruments, and their thoughts and feelings arise only as a result of the initiative and influence of the forces working within them.

So it's clear that it is the presence, within a person, of a soul that does not correspond to his or her human form that leads them to a state of misery, both with regard to their health and to their actions and behavior. 

This is because they will pursue only the pleasures of their heart and the impulses of their passions, forgetting the limits of their strength.  This causes all sorts of illnesses and all sorts of suffering of the inner feeling and of the body, which become increasingly severe as time goes on.

People try to cure their illnesses and the faults within their being using their intelligence and their thinking, but that just patches up something that is inherently defective or damaged. 

So, even though it is repaired, it still remains damaged. They are unable to discover the prime cause that lies at the root of all that has gone wrong, since their effort does not go beyond the use of the thinking mind.

The fact is that the most dangerous disease is not the kind that produces physical symptoms, but the kind that lies in the character or inner nature of a person. 

This is a more dangerous kind of disease than cancer and the like.  Bapak will illustrate. 

Out of a thousand people perhaps only ten are afflicted by physical illness; but if one person has a flawed character that causes him to seek only his own advantage and to strive for the total gratification of his desires and passions, he may drag down thousands of others to misery and death - as happens in war and other calamities.

It is truly a paradox that on the one hand people look after themselves and look after their health very well, yet on the other hand they incite others to fight one another through war. 

So they are spared from illnesses but succumb instead to the sickness of war, which demands thousands and millions of casualties.  

As a result of this, in time of war people hardly know the meaning of good will towards other human beings. 

Such is the effect of forces that are out of place within the self of human beings - they provoke people to destroy each other.

Therefore the best way - the way we need to find - is one that enables us to transform people's character so they truly come to appreciate human life; to feel the feelings of people everywhere; to know what harmony in human life is like, and to know one God and one human race. 

(II  GOD AND THE SOUL... To be Continued Thursday 9/30/10... on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing... where via the free Google Translate Service... set up on your Browser... it can be read in many other languages... and in much easier... and larger to read print...) 

Thursday, September 23, 2010



How can we think about God with any degree of accuracy? Even to think, 'What is my soul and what is it really like?' is impossible for the human mind. 

For the thinking and the brain, the feelings, the desires and the heart have all come into existence only after the entry of the soul into that vessel, into that as yet formless and fluid state that you cannot but be familiar with. 

And therefore there is no other way for us to improve our inner state and to improve our soul - if it is wrong - Except By The Way That Is Willed By God, And Which We Have Been Given, Which We Receive, free from our thinking, free from our desires, free from our heart and our imagination that likes to picture things.

This is why what you Receive in the Latihan always seems strange to you;  because What We Get In The Latihan is beyond our ability, beyond our understanding - It Is Only Comprehensible To The Wisdom of God. 

God Can Accomplish that which human beings can never know, for they are no more than His creatures, who exist only because God Has Created them.  So it is impossible for people to know their Creator. 

It's just like when you make a table; you know if it is round or square, you know its color, whether it is yellow, white, red or another color.  But the table itself does not know whether it is square or round, or whether it has been painted yellow or black; it merely accepts whatever may be the will of human beings towards it.

You may tightly control your will, heart and thinking, ladies and gentlemen, but - and you can prove it to yourself from your own experience - although you certainly do not wish your hair to turn white, your teeth to fall out or your strength to decline; although you would certainly prefer to live a hundred or even two hundred years and still keep your hair black, your teeth intact and your full strength, you cannot force that to happen. 

For God Has The Authority, and He Has Decreed And Created human beings with limits. 

This is like when a car is made, there is always a service manual: after so many years you have to change this, this and this.  

In the same way, we must have complete faith that God Is All-Knowing And All-Wise, and realize that His Work is beyond our knowledge and understanding.

Although this Work Is Done By The Power Of God, do not cease to be attentive, brothers and sisters.  

Do not just allow things to happen and become careless.  Don't!  You must be aware, so that eventually you will be able to feel what is going on inside you: 

'Before, I was being moved like this, and now I'm Being Moved like that.' 

In this way, you will become aware that The One Who Moves You, The One In Charge Of Your Inner Feeling, Has Changed. 

And you will see this Change Manifested in your conduct from day to day.  

Finally, you will be able to see, to feel, and to be aware of the difference between the various forces or souls that form the content of your inner self.  Then you will become aware of the real master in you: that is, the true human soul.

These are Bapak's explanations this evening about the realm of the soul.  He will stop now, and maybe will continue on a future occasion. He hopes you will forgive him if anything he has said has offended you. And Bapak says 'thank you very much'.

(To be Continued Thursday 9/27/10... with the beginning of  III  GOD AND THE SOUL... on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing... where via the free Google Translate Service... set up on your Browser... it can be read in many other languages... and in much easier... and larger to read print...) 

Monday, September 20, 2010



Bapak will now briefly describe the way in which a soul is incarnated in a new being, which develops and eventually attains a complete human form.

The structure of life, by the Decree of Almighty God, comprises different levels; each level is a sphere or world of its own. 

Beginning with the lowest there are:  the world of the material life-forces, the world of the vegetable life-forces, the world of the animal life-forces, the world of the human life-forces and the world of the life-force of beings superior to the human beings of this world.

Bapak doesn't need to say anything about what is beyond the first five levels.

On its own level, each of these life-forces constitutes a world of its own. 

For example, the material world contains millions of souls analogous to people in this world. The souls of each of these worlds are drawn towards and enter certain focal points of attraction wherever these are available.  Such focal points come into existence through the union of man and woman. 

The vessel that acts as a focal point for a soul, as Bapak just said, is produced by the union of man and woman.  

From the union of a man and woman something is created that is still in the form of a fluid.  Although it appears merely as a fluid, it can be called the Water of Life, as it is able to receive the content of life, which causes it to move, function and develop until it eventually acquires a complete form.

Since the vessel has come into existence through the union of a man and a woman, it is derived from the essences of these two beings of opposite sex. 

It acts as a kind of lens, a form required by the soul that will enter it.  And if the thoughts of this couple have been constantly occupied, before and during the union, with the affairs and pleasures of this world, then the drop of fluid can serve only as a focal point for material forces and nothing higher.  

So if that is the state of the couple, and they create a new entity that can only attract material souls, then its content will be a material soul.

This new vessel, still in the form of a fluid, filled by a material soul, will gradually grow and develop in the mother's womb until it is completely formed as a human being, and ready to be born into this world. 

Of course, even if the soul is a material soul - or an animal soul or whatever - the body, organs and limbs are human, therefore he or she will think human thoughts and have human desires.  He or she will hold things and touch things, and walk just as human beings do.  In short, the way they live their lives will be no different from human beings.

Bapak will give an example.  It is like striking an object: if it is struck by a child it makes a sound, 'ting'.  If it is struck by a learned man or a beautiful woman, it will still make the same sound, 'ting'.  Because whoever may strike it, since the nature of the object remains the same, the sound it makes, 'ting' will always remain just 

It is the same with the soul: whether the inner content of a person, which governs their whole being, is a material, vegetable or animal soul, nevertheless he or she will sound like a human being, not like an animal.

Little by little a new-born child can see the forms of the world around them;  they are gradually affected by the atmosphere of this world and begin to be able to think and to feel things.  

At the same time their contact with the atmosphere of their soul becomes obscured in comparison with how it used to be before they fell under the influence of this world.  

In the end everything in them - their whole body, brain, heart and feelings - becomes entirely filled with the things of this world.

So eventually, when this person begins to think and to wonder, and to imagine conditions beyond this world - such as Heaven, or God and God's Power - they are able to do so only in terms of their worldly environment, which has come to be the sole content of their brain, heart and feelings. 

Therefore it is not surprising if there are people who visualize God as some impressive human figure, seated on a beautiful chair in a great palace made of gold or whatever.  Because they figure that God is above all, they take the elements and forms of this world and exaggerate them.

(To be Continued Thursday 9/23/10... here on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing... where via the free Google Translate Service... set up on your Browser... it can be read in many other languages... and in much easier... and larger to read print...) 

Thursday, September 16, 2010



But, human beings remain human beings and are very easily swayed by the ambience of the world. 

Without being aware of what is happening, as time goes on they come to attach ever more importance to following the power of their desires, their will, their thinking minds and their hearts.

So it is clear that there is no shortage of advice, which has been given from the time of Abraham until Muhammad. 

It could be said that human beings have been flooded with advice - there is so much of it that nobody can carry it all out. 

This is because they just keep thinking about all of it; everything they need for their life, they just think about. 

Everything remains in their mind - just in their mind - and keeps on circulating there.  So it all stops short in their thinking and they are unable to implement the advice and make it real. 

For instance there are many people who study theology and think about it for years and years, and in the end they just become confused.

Now with the coming of SUBUD Bapak can say, 'It isn't certain, but, yes, perhaps It Is Willed By God that through practicing what God Has Given Us In SUBUD, we should be able to come alive again the way we once were - as was taught by the Prophets in the olden days.' 

None of us, including Bapak, can be completely sure of anything; still, the evidence of our own Experience, and what we Receive, proves to us that SUBUD Is A Way Of Receiving That Is Not Awakened By Our Heart, Our Thinking Mind Or Our Desire. 

It Comes Rather Through An Emptying Of Everything That Is In Us; And This Comes About By The Will of God, Which Is Above And Beyond Our Human Understanding - Our Worldly Understanding.

This Means It Is God Himself Who Works On Our Being, since human beings are not able, working from advice they have been given, to change the content of their own self. 

Indeed it is not possible; It Can Only Be Done By A Power That Has Authority, A Power Infinitely Greater Than That Of A Human Being.

Therefore no theory is to be found in SUBUD, Just Realities, Which Work, Grow And Proceed By Themselves.  

We Receive And Experience This Working. 

All Of A Sudden Our Hearts Have Changed, Our Characters Have Changed, Our Physical Health Has Changed, And What Was Like That (gesture) Is Now Like This (gesture). 

All This Is The Working Within Us Of An All-Powerful Force Of Life, The Results Of Which We Can Witness With Our Ordinary Organs Of Perception. 

The Work Of This Life Force Within Us - Changing What Is Wrong To What Is Right And What Is Bad To Good - Requires No Assistance From Our Thinking Minds, Our Hearts Or Our Desires;  A Person's Mind, Heart And Desires Have No Power To Work Any Improvement On His Or Her Nature. 

Indeed The Improvement Of A Person's Being And Soul Is Not A Human Undertaking, Not Something For The Mind, Heart And Will, But Is The Work Of Almighty God Alone, Of A Power Immeasurably Higher Than Human.

(To be Continued Monday 9/20/10... here on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing... where via the free Google Translate Service... set up on your Browser... it can be read in many other languages... and in much easier... and larger to read print...) 

Monday, September 13, 2010



In order that human beings should not continuously go wrong and plunge yet deeper into the abyss of confusion, Revelation came to them yet again, this time through a man named Muhammad. 

And the Book Muhammad Received is generally called in Islam the Quran.  

Quran means 'The Word Of God', the Commandments or the Words Of God to human beings, Given in order that they should be able to act without deviating from What God Has Laid Down. 

And Muhammad is not spoken of as the Son of God, or the Beloved of God, but as God's Representative on earth. 

This signifies that he was an instrument of the Power of God, Sent to Proclaim to humankind the Commandments He Had Received From God.

And it was made easier for Muhammad to Worship God, because the union of Muhammad and his wife became in truth an Act Of Worship Towards God; The Union Of Man And Woman Was Ordained By God To Be A True Act Of Worship. 

This is shown in the Marriage Ceremony performed in the mosque according to the religion of Islam, in which the man and the woman, in order to proclaim and confirm that they will become truly husband and wife, must recite the Declaration Of Faith: 

'There is no other god but God and Muhammad is His Messenger.' 

By this act the couple acknowledge that they owe their existence to God, and that they are God's witnesses. 

This is how it was put into practice; and many among his followers, as well as many other human beings, Made The Union Of Husband And Wife Pure And An Act Of Worship.  So They Were Able To Worship God In Truth.

But, Bapak says it again, human beings remain human beings. 

In spite of so Wonderful And Blissful An Act Of Worship, they once again forgot that in their enjoyment and pleasure they would always remain subject to the influence and pressure of the environment of this world, and to the infiltration of the low forces, whose natural tendency is to prevent human beings from attaining their pure aims. 

So, for most people, the union of man and woman became once again only a gratification of their passions rather than an Act Of Worship. 

Though in reality, the true nature of the Act Of Union is that of recapitulation, so that through it human beings should be able to be aware of and know their own condition, both before and after they entered into existence.

You too must be aware in this way, otherwise you are like a road along which a car has passed, but you have no idea where it came from or where it went. 

That is really disappointing and truly saddens Almighty God. 

Why is it that human beings aren't able to grasp this? 

So, ladies and gentlemen, you do not know where your child came from or what will happen to it, even though it passed through your being. 

So where did it come from and where will it go? 

But when you do become conscious of this, it will mean that you are also conscious of how was I before I existed?' and 'how will I be when later I depart?'

That's how good the Commandments were, as Received by the Prophets from Abraham to Muhammad. 

(To be Continued Thursday 9/16/10... here on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing... where via the free Google Translate Service... set up on your can be read in many other languages... and in much easier... and larger to read print...) 

Thursday, September 9, 2010



Eventually God Sent Another Revelation for human beings, to put right again the chaos prevailing in the world.  

This Revelation came to one called Jesus.  He Received the New Revelation from God that is contained in the scripture known as the Gospels.

Tradition associates Jesus with the color green.  The meaning of green is that his being was not influenced by the world, so he was in truth the Beloved of God. 

Green, as you may know, means a state of childlike innocence, still free from desire; in particular the desire for women, but also for the things of this world that human beings have come to desire. 

About Jesus we are told that besides being able to heal the sick and raise the dead, he could also walk on water; and that eventually he Was Willed by God to face death by crucifixion.

To heal the sick and to raise the dead means to rectify the faults and weaknesses within the Inner Feeling of people, and to awaken their human soul, which is still dead within them. 

This is essentially the same as that which you have Received in the Latihan of Susila Budhi Dharma or SUBUD. 

All the faults that you have suffered within your being - all kinds of sickness, whatever people call them - Are Being Repaired And Corrected. 

Your souls, which from birth to the present have been imprisoned by your desires, thoughts and will, Are Being Awakened.

Certainly you no longer find it strange that after a Latihan, you Experience A New Life within you, different from what was there before.  

This means that your soul, which for a long time has been imprisoned and totally enclosed by the pressure of the world, Is Awakening. 

So, as Bapak said earlier, SUBUD hardly differs from What Was Received by the Prophets.

As to the death by crucifixion:  this symbolizes that a Perfect Human Being Lives, as it were, between this world and the next. 

That's why tradition tells us that after he died Jesus Was The Same As He Was before he died.  

This shows that It Is Indeed God's Will that the human soul should be able to protect and pass on its individual understanding to all those who are still in coarse form. 

Thus Jesus, in his Life after death, lost nothing that had become a part of his individuality.  He could still See, Hear, Smell, Speak and Perceive; and everything that had been part of him was still there.

This agrees with our Experience in the Latihan in which all our organs and members Are Brought To Life, one by one, enabling our sight, our hearing and our other senses to remain intact even as we face death. 

This does not mean that we take our physical bodies with us when we die.  No.  

What we take with us, and what will become part of our individuality, will be not our eyes but our Power of Seeing; not our ears, but our Power of Hearing; not our mouth, but our Words; not our nose, but our Power of Smelling; not our blood, but our Feeling; not our brain, but our Understanding; not our heart, but the Power of Reflection and the Feeling of our heart. 

This is indeed what we want.  We pray to Almighty God that we may become the creature or human being it is God's Will that we become.

But as Bapak said, human beings still remain human beings.  

Despite having received advice and guidance so inspired and adaptable, their nature remains weak, being easily impressed by outward progress, and by the development and discoveries of their own mind. 

As a result, whether we like it or not, most people are carried away into the world of thought, where all possibility of finding an understanding of the true meaning of life is completely blocked.

(To be Continued Monday 9/13/10... here on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing... where via the free Google Translate Service... set up on your Browser... it can be read in many other languages... and in much easier... and larger to read print...) 

Monday, September 6, 2010



But God In His Wisdom Knows the needs of humankind; and out of love for His creatures He Sent A New Revelation - a Gift From God needed by humankind in order to understand their life.  

This New Revelation was Received by a man whose name was Moses.

The color white is associated with Moses, signifying that here was a man who was pure, with a clean heart and feeling, truly able to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. 

The Story of Moses dividing the waters is a symbol of his ability to separate right from wrong in people's hearts. 

And the Book he Received to advise and guide human beings, and to help them follow in his footsteps, was called the Torah. 

This was passed on by Moses to humanity; and in time his Teaching spread and flourished, and many who followed it were enabled to worship God in purity of heart and feeling.

But as Bapak said earlier, human beings remain human and are very easily swayed by the ambience of the world, which always surrounds them. 

And so in the course of time, his followers, who used to conduct themselves in accordance with his advice, grew weak in their faith and ceased to worship God, turning again to material things and putting their faith in these.

(To be Continued Thursday 9/9/10... here on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing... where via the free Google Translate service... set up on your Browser... it can be read in many other languages... and in much easier and larger to read print...) 



Why is it, you may ask, that SUBUD has come only now, and not before?  

God Knows why.  It has come now because now is the right time for people to Receive it; because all humankind is under very heavy pressure from worldly influences, and cannot resist them. 

The penetration of the world's influence into people and its tremendous pressure on them has led, through people's actions, to chaos in this world.  

This is the reason why SUBUD has only now Been Sent to us, for God Knows when the time is ripe for people to Receive it in the right way.

It's the same as in the distant past: whenever conditions on earth reached a crisis point God Sent people something they could hold on to; something that enabled them to find the right way to live. 

Bapak would like to tell you the Stories of the Prophets. 

Long ago, before Abraham Received his Grace from God, human beings were still wild, meaning there were no rules for living; no way of life corresponding to the nature of human beings.  

Before that time, they had not yet generally become aware of the nature of human manners, nor of the difference between human beings and animals. 

When Abraham Received his Revelation - a Wisdom from God - a certain order entered into the life of human beings on earth.  That order is what is called religion.  

The first religion came to mankind through the prophet Abraham.  And in Indonesia his Holy Book is referred to as the Gabur - Bapak doesn't know what you call it here.

Tradition associates Abraham with the color red, which signifies it was by virtue of his sincere worship and unshakeable faith that he Received Revelations and Gifts from God for the benefit of humankind.  Such unshakeable faith in Islam is referred to as tauhid. 

The reality of Abraham's faith Was Tested When God Commanded him to kill his young son Ishmael with his own hands.  

This Test was only so that Abraham could demonstrate the reality of his worship of God - that it came before whatever his heart was attached to. 

Abraham carried it out with an attitude of complete patience and complete acceptance.  His love was only for God, greater than for anything his heart desired.

That shows how hard it is for human beings to achieve nobility in their life, both in this world and in the hereafter.  The sacrifices demanded are not the easiest.  

As for humanity today - never mind a sacrifice of that magnitude - they cannot even make the effort to attend the Latihan when it's raining.  

This differs very much from what Abraham Received and carried out in times long ago.  

It could be said of him that here was a Prophet who truly worshipped God, and whose love of God exceeded his love of his own body and soul.

But God Knows the state of human beings; He Knows what is true and what is false. 

Therefore Abraham didn't really end up killing his son, an Angel Intervened, so what Abraham killed was a goat and not Ishmael.  

So, no person who worships with sincerity, with a submitted heart and true surrender to God, will be led by that into misery.  On the contrary, they Will Be Raised to their rightful place.

At that time many people were able to put into practice what Abraham taught.  Many people followed his teaching, and it enabled them to reach a level of human excellence. 

But human beings always remain human beings; they are weak creatures - very easily influenced by what is to the right and left of them, before and behind them.  

As time went on, human conduct, which had been in accordance with the advice of Abraham, gradually deteriorated until increasing numbers turned away from the True Worship of God, worshipping instead material objects, in which they imagined power to dwell.  

Through this the whole world suffered, for good and bad in this world arise from the actions of human beings.

(To be Continued Monday 9/6/10... here on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing... where via the free Google Translate service... on your Browser... it can be read in many other languages... and in much easier and larger to read print...)