Monday, August 30, 2010


These four Talks were given by Bapak in London during the First SUBUD International Congress, August 1959. There were more than 1000 SUBUD Members attending from over forty countries present. 

Talk I - THE TEACHINGS OF THE PROPHETS AND THE ACTION OF SUBUD... 11 August 1959... Friends' House, Euston Road. 

Ladies and gentlemen, before Bapak gives explanations about the realm of the soul, he would first like to welcome all those present at this Meeting, and also to ask your forgiveness should anything in what he is going to say offend you.

First of all, Bapak wishes to make clear the Principles and Purpose of the Latihan of SUBUD, which you have Received and are practicing. 

This Latihan of SUBUD is in truth our worship of God, Awakened in us by the Power of God at the same time as it arrests the interference of our thinking minds, our hearts and our desires. 

This means that the Latihan we have Received is Awakened only by the Will of the One Almighty God Whom we worship. 

If it comes from God and by the Will of God, it follows that it will, of itself, lead us towards God - towards the One Who Wills it.  And, since all this comes by the Will of God, we can be certain that the Principles of the Latihan are in accordance with What Is Intended by God for humankind as a whole.

The human qualities needed in order to Receive the Gift of God in the right way are symbolized in our community by the words  SUSILA  BUDHI  DHARMA. 

SUSILA :  denotes those qualities giving rise to a character, conduct and actions that are truly humane, and in accordance with the Will of God. 

BUDHI :  means that in all creatures, including human beings, there manifests something to draw them towards their proper path - the Path that leads to God. 

DHARMA : signifies willingness to let go, acceptance and submission to God, Awakened in human beings by the Will of God Himself. 

These are the qualities of a person able to Receive the Commandments of God and the Gifts of God, both for the needs of their life on this earth and for their life after death.  

These qualities are Willed by God so they may be able to Receive fully all that God Has Ordained concerning human life upon earth.

These Principles and Aims of SUBUD can be summed up by saying that it is God's Will that we live on this earth, worship God and return to God. 

This agrees with the words of the prophets:  'Coming from God and returning to God.' 

Therefore you don't need to worry, feel concerned or doubtful about the Principles and Aims of SUBUD since it is clear that what we have Received does not spring from our own minds or desires, but from the Will of God within us.

(To be Continued Thursday 9/2/10... here on Muftiah's Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... where via the free Google Translate service... on your Browser... it can be read in many other languages... Insha Allah... God Willing...) 

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Concluded today on Thursday 8/26/10... as follows...:- 

Then Bapak went to England, where strangely enough there were people who knew why he had come, among them those then at Coombe Springs. 

Mr. Bennett happened to be holding a seminar at the time Bapak went to England.  Well, that was very curious: something was going on that would never have occurred to one - there was a Gurdjieff seminar.

Because of this seminar, pupils of Gurdjieff from everywhere had of course come on a visit to England, to Coombe Springs. 

People had come from South Africa, from Ceylon, from Europe itself - Holland, Germany, France; and from North and South America - Chile and Peru.  The Gurdjieff system was going along fairly well and its followers though not numerous, were widely distributed.

All this was quite by chance; Bapak had not reckoned on people from other countries outside England being there.  He had not reckoned on it nor had such a possibility even occurred to him. 

So Bapak came to England and went in the first place to where Rofe lived, in a street whose name Bapak now forgets.  And because the quarters were very cramped, very restricted, Bennett took Bapak to his house at Coombe Springs. 

Bapak Opened all these people, because Starr and the others whom Rofe had Opened asked for Bapak to Open them again.  So Bapak did as they wished.

On moving to Coombe Springs, Bapak conducted Openings and did Latihan with Bennett, von Bissing and others.  

The people attending the Gurdjieff seminar seemed to wonder how it came about that their master and guru now had a guru himself.  They were rather puzzled, because they had come to visit Bennett, whom they trusted, and now Bennett had entered SUBUD.  By implication, Bennett was in fact asking Bapak to teach him.

'Oh', they thought, 'this visitor must be someone higher still; it must be that'.  

So they asked Mr. Bennett's permission to join SUBUD too, and be Opened.  Bennett asked Bapak, telling him that the Gurdjieff people at the seminar were asking him if Bapak would allow them too to follow the Latihan Kejiwaan if they wished.

Bapak said they could, as the Latihan was indeed for all mankind.  

As soon as Bapak gave permission, one, two, three, ten, twenty joined, and on to a hundred, two hundred.  

Bapak had an English visa for only three months to begin with, or maybe only for one month, or two.  But because so many people at Coombe Springs were asking to be Opened, until they numbered over a thousand, Bapak was obliged to extend his visa to seven months.

Thus, on his first visit, Bapak stayed in England for seven months on end; one might say he was Opening people every evening while there.  Every evening thirty or forty people were Opened, sometimes a hundred, but at least thirty, forty, fifty.  

Well, Bapak had to stay for seven months, to make sure that the people from outside England really could in some degree Receive and understand what the Latihan Kejiwaan of SUBUD was.  After that Bapak went home again.

The people returning to their various countries after Receiving the Latihan probably felt it was very beneficial.  Many did indeed say that this was what they had been looking for. 

From the people returning to their various homes, after Bapak had Opened them, SUBUD began to spread; this was the cause of its spreading in other countries.

When Bapak experienced all this, he became convinced and was certain, whereas formerly, when he Received the Gift of Knowing from God in 1932, he was still only half convinced. 

Well, yes, Bapak did believe, but was not yet truly convinced because he had not yet had the Experience.  But, in due course, Bapak experienced that all this was really true.  What he had been Told and what he Received really did come to pass.

Amen.  Bapak Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo

The End

"THE MEANING OF SUBUD"... comprised of four Talks... given by our Beloved SUBUD father... BAPAK... in London... in August 1959... with the titles of... "THE  TEACHINGS OF THE PROPHETS AND THE ACTION OF SUBUD"... "GOD AND THE SOUL"... "THE DEFECTS OF THE SOUL"... and "SUBMISSION"... will be serialized form..beginning Monday 8/30/2010... on both Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs...... JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing...  

Monday, August 23, 2010



(Continued today Monday 8/23/10... on both Muftiah's Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"  and  "MUFTIAH"... 

That was how it began.  

Days, weeks, months went by, and Rofe was making reasonable progress; once he had Received, he Received quite well. 

But Rofe had a very strange character.  He never felt at home or contented anywhere.  He always wanted to keep moving, moving, moving on. 

After a while he wanted to move on, and Bapak told him in the first place to go to Palembang.  But after a year or eighteen months in Palembang he no longer felt happy there either.  He asked Bapak where he should go next, and Bapak told him to move to Hong Kong.

Rofe had his profession, of course, which was writing for the press about his experiences and the things he saw.  As he happened to have Received SUBUD, he wrote an article about it for a paper circulating in Turkey and Cyprus.  He was also fluent in Turkish.

There chanced to be a group of English people in Cyprus under the spiritual leadership of  Mr. von Bissing and, later, of another specialist in this field named Meredith Starr  [later Roland Starr, who died in Latihan at his home in England while this Talk was being prepared for press].  

The latter must eventually have read Rofe's article, for Bapak received a letter from Cyprus bearing Meredith Starr's name and address.  Bapak was astonished, for he had never had a letter from overseas.  Well, here was a letter from overseas.  Bapak opened it and had someone read it.  Rofe was already in Hong Kong.

Bapak read the content of the letter: 

'May I introduce myself - Meredith Starr. I devote myself to the search for spiritual knowledge, and I have read a magazine article by Husein Rofe in which he says that Bapak, who is his teacher, can give explanations of spiritual matters.  As this is something I very much need, I hope Bapak will come to Cyprus and open me and instruct me'.  Well, at that time the word 'open' was not in use - he said 'teach me'.  It was signed Meredith Starr, and beneath the signature was written:  'If Bapak can indeed come and visit us in Cyprus, I will at once send the money to cover his expenses'.

When Bapak read this letter, he remembered Rofe who very much wanted to get back to England.  So Bapak made a copy of the letter and sent it on to him, so that he might take up Mr. Starr's invitation to go to Cyprus.  Then, of course, he would be quite near and could go back to England. 

To Mr. Starr himself Bapak wrote that he had forwarded his letter to Bapak's pupil, Husein Rofe, then in Hong Kong, because Rofe was actually English and wanted to return to England and could Open the people in Cyprus. 

Bapak then received an answer from Rofe agreeing to go to Cyprus provided the money were sent to him.  This was done, of course, and Rofe got his expenses.  He then went to Cyprus, where he Opened Meredith Starr and others.

Not long afterwards, Rofe wrote to tell Bapak that, by agreement with the people he had Opened in Cyprus, he was going to England.  He said Mr. Starr and the others would follow him to England, and they hoped Bapak, if he had the time, would accept an invitation to come there.  

Bapak was invited to come to England and expenses were at once sent to him. 

That was the beginning.

Bapak accepted the invitation, which clearly signified that human beings would provide Bapak with money, not God.  That was how it was; as there was no way for God to give Bapak money, the Power of God induced people to do so.

(To be Concluded on Thursday 8/26/10... on both Muftiah's Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"  and  "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing...)

Thursday, August 19, 2010


"BAPAK AND THE COMING OF THE LATIHAN"... IV BAPAK'S FIRST WORLD JOURNEY (Beginning today Thursday 8/19/10... on both Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA" and "MUFTIAH"...)

At the time when Bapak Received, He Was Told Among Other Things That After Another Great War, The Second World War, He Would Have To Travel Round The World And Make This Latihan Known To Mankind. And Mankind - Though Not Everybody - Would Accept It And Accept That What Bapak Brought Did Truly Come From Almighty God.

Bapak wondered at the time how this could be possible, for to travel round the world certainly costs no small sum, and at that time he had no money. At least, he had about enough to travel round Java, just round Indonesia, supposing he had to.  But if it had been a matter of going round the world, that would have been impossible.  

He Was Told He Would Go Round And Round The World.

Bapak only half believed it; he did not disbelieve but felt he could not quite accept it. It was still a case of 'Well yes, I only hope I may see it come true'.

That was still in the year 1932, whereas not until 1939, seven years later, did the Second World War begin.   In 1932 Bapak had by no means envisaged a second world war; then it came. Bapak felt that all this fitted in, only how would it be possible for him to go round the world afterwards?  Maybe later on someone would appear and provide the means for Bapak to do so.

Then, after the Second World War, such a person did appear, a man who was simply Used by God as an instrument.   What happened was not because of the man himself; it all came from God.

At the time when Bapak moved to Jogja, a foreigner named Husein Rofe happened to be there.  Bapak will tell you about him.   He originally came from this country, England. This Rofe was a seeker, and while pursuing his search he earned his living by giving English lessons.

Eventually he spoke of his search to one of his pupils, telling him that the real reason he had come to Jogja was to look for someone who had Real Knowledge; if it was just a matter of religion he was not interested, since he was himself fluent in Arabic and well able to read the Qur'an.

So, plainly, Rofe was already tired of that and did not want it.  What he sought was Evidence.   His pupil told him such a man did exist, and asked whether Rofe would like to have a guru (teacher), because this man happened to be the pupil's guru.  Rofe asked to be taken to meet him.

The pupil brought Rofe to Bapak's house and introduced him.  Bapak asked what had brought him there, and Rofe said he very much wished to learn from Bapak.  'Oh', said Bapak, 'I have no Knowledge; the Knowledge is God's.  I am merely someone who can give you this Contact if you truly desire it'.  Rofe said he did indeed desire it, and he seemed very eager.

Bapak Opened Rofe.  He Opened him at once, and Rofe performed the sembahjang (Islamic praying with prostrations).   After worshipping, he Began To Spin Round And Round While Uttering Sounds Like 'Wo-ong, Wo-ong, Wo-ong'.  Then He Fell To The Floor And Sat There.  Bapak stopped him.

Bapak then asked him how was it, what had he Received.  This, he said, was exactly what he had come from England to Indonesia to look for.  He had gone off course in going to Bali, where he saw the Balinese doing various things he did not want.  

He came back and met all the kiaji (holy men) of the Muslim faith - Muhammadiyah and Ahmadiyah.  They all produced reasoned proof from the Qur'an, but he said there was no need to tell him those things, because he had already read them for himself.  They asked him what, then, was he looking for.  Rofe told them he was looking for the Content; if any Content Did Indeed Exist, that was what he sought above all else.

("BAPAK AND THE COMING OF THE LATIHAN"...  IV BAPAK'S FIRST WORLD JOURNEY Continued Monday 8/23/10... on both Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA" and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing...)

Monday, August 16, 2010


"BAPAK AND THE COMING OF THE LATIHAN"... III BAPAK'S EXPERIENCES DURING THE THOUSAND NIGHTS. (Concluded today... Monday 8/16/10... on both Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA" and "MUFTIAH"...)

When the prayer was ended Bapak recited the dhikir. Bapak's mother heard that Bapak had got up from sleep and, after she had prayed her morning prayer, she went to see Bapak.

She whispered, "May I tell you about an Experience I had last night?"

Bapak said, "Yes please, Ibu, whatever you wish to tell."

"At Midnight", said Bapak's mother, "I Was Awakened From Sleep. I Sat Up And Searched With My Feet For My Sandals, Because My Eyes Were Still Closed, Not Yet Open. But For A Long Time My Feet Could Not Find The Sandals, So That I Had To Open My Eyes. I Was Very Frightened When I Saw The Room Almost Entirely Filled With Light From Electric Light Bulbs.

But When I Looked Properly, The Light Did Not, In Fact, Come From Electric Lights. The Lights Were All Stars Shining In The Sky.

Then I Looked Down, And Below Me There Was Open Air, So At That Moment I Felt I Was In The Sky, And My Body Felt Cold And I Was Frightened. I Gave Up My Intention To Find My Sandals, Quickly Lay Down On The Mattress And Went To Sleep Again.

I have just got up and, after finishing my ablution and prayer, I felt brave enough to come to you because I saw that you are here and the condition of the room is no longer as I saw it last night."

This is the story which Bapak's mother told Bapak. It seemed that the Experience of Bapak's mother was a kind of Evidence for her to witness what happened to Bapak during that night.

Bapak told the above story to the SUBUD members in Lima, Colombia, Mexico, Canada and in other countries which Bapak visited.

It seemed that on hearing this Story from Bapak they felt more convinced that the Latihan Kejiwaan of SUBUD is truly a Latihan which is a gift from Almighty God for people who truly have faith in His Greatness and who truly have patience, submission and sincerity in surrendering to His Will.

This Story enabled the helpers and committee members in the centers of the various countries, who had been quarrelling among themselves, each claiming to be right in their way of carrying out their responsibilities, to put things right, and in addition they were also able to feel their need for harmony and mutual appreciation, mutual respect and mutual help. Bapak hopes that it will be like that also for the brothers and sisters here.

If you ask why Bapak only now speaks about the events connected with the Coming of the Latihan Kejiwaan and about Bapak's earlier Experiences in the Latihan Kejiwaan, it is because Bapak first wanted to have proof of the truth of the Messages he Had Received before.

Now, since the Indications Received by Bapak have become a reality and Bapak has actually made the journey abroad and, moreover, has traveled round the world and visited various countries where many brothers and sisters are following the ways of the Latihan Kejiwaan of SUBUD Bapak feels he can speak about these Experiences.

When the Messages Received earlier by Bapak proved true, Bapak remembered the Book like a world atlas, containing pictures of people of various races who were mingled together and who Made Movements and Sounds: they Uttered all sorts of Sounds, some Laughed, some Wept, some Grumbled.

Clearly, this Book Had Predicted that Bapak would later meet people from various countries, races and religions, and that these people would really follow the way of the Latihan Kejiwaan of SUBUD; and now it is clear that Bapak's Receiving was true.

This is the Story of how the Latihan Kejiwaan of SUBUD came into existence, a Story which, of course, is closely related to Bapak himself who, by the Grace of God, is Willed to be a channel for God's Grace to every adult of the various races and religions who is sincerely willing to Receive and follow the way of the Latihan Kejiwaan of SUBUD.

In the beginning, Bapak himself did not expect that he would be able to Receive so great a Grace from Almighty God because, according to the stories told about man, this can be Received only by Prophets and Messengers of Almighty God, whereas Bapak is just an ordinary man, born in this present century.

Therefore what happened to Bapak, as related above, is something to be left to God Who is All-Knowing about all things. And since this was brought about in Bapak by God, Bapak is only obliged to persevere and Receive God's Gift, which it is fitting for Bapak to Receive with patience, trust and sincere submission.

It is just for this that Bapak Is Being Trained, Guided and Directed by the Power of God, Which Permeates the Inner As Well As The Outer Self, in Being Aware of his life according to the Will of Almighty God.

("BAPAK AND THE COMING OF THE LATIHAN"... IV BAPAK'S FIRST WORLD JOURNEY...   Beginning Thursday 8/19/10... on both Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA" and "MUFTIAH"... Insha Allah... God Willing...)

Friday, August 13, 2010


"BAPAK AND THE COMING OF THE LATIHAN"... III  BAPAK'S EXPERIENCES DURING THE THOUSAND NIGHTS (Because of numerous thunderstorms yesterday... could not Continue until today... Friday 8/13/10... a date always lucky for her... both here on Muftiah's Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"  and  "MUFTIAH"... via Links given below: 

Coming back to the story Bapak told earlier: after Bapak had Received the Book the size of a dictionary while doing the dhikir ["laillahaillalla . . ."] Bapak followed the way of the Latihan Kejiwaan every evening and always Received various kinds of Experiences in it.

Bapak does not feel it is necessary to tell you about the Experiences which Bapak Received after the Book Was Given to him, because it takes up too much time. 

However, Bapak feels it is necessary to tell you that in the year 1932, when - according to Islamic time calculation - Bapak was 32 years old, one evening at about 9.30 p.m. (maybe this happened on 22nd June 1932) Bapak's body felt weak, his imagination, heart and mind became empty, his way of breathing was peculiar and Bapak felt cold and very small as if his soul wanted to fly and leave his body. 

Suddenly, Bapak was aware that the time had come when Bapak was to be called by Almighty God, as had been written in the pages of the thick Book Bapak had Received earlier.

Therefore Bapak at once prepared himself to surrender to the Power of Almighty God. But first Bapak kissed his children who were sleeping. 

Then Bapak Felt His Body From The Navel Upward Pulled Far To The North And From The Navel Downward Pulled Far To The South. 

At The Same Time Bapak's Head And Legs Felt Cold.  Bapak Was Aware That The Cold Feeling In His Head Was Like Being At The North Pole, And The Cold Feeling Of His Legs Was Like Being At The South Pole. 

Then Bapak Felt His Chest Being Opened Up And Widened Out Round About Himself To A Round Shape. 

After That, Bapak Felt Movements And A Moment Later He Felt Freed From Everything He Had Left Behind, That Is, The Earth Where He Lived, And He Felt Himself Going Through The Sky At An Unimaginable Speed.

On His Journey Bapak Constantly Uttered "Allah Hu-Akbar, Allah Hu-Akbar, Allah Hu-Akbar" With Complete And Clear Awareness And Also An Alive Inner Feeling Throughout. 

For Instance, Bapak Felt The Air Outside Passing And Penetrating Him. 

In Short, By The Grace of God, If Bapak May Say So, While On This Journey He Was Made To Know And To See Everything Beyond Human Understanding. 

Bapak does not feel it necessary, however, to relate here everything Bapak Experienced on this Journey, because whoever hears it may take it to be a mere fantasy.

However, what Bapak feels necessary to tell you is this: when Bapak returned from the Journey he suddenly saw that it was dark. Then Bapak understood that at that moment he Had Entered The Sphere Of The Earth. 

Bapak's Journey Continued, But From That Moment On It Went More Slowly. Strangely, When Bapak Wanted To Go Fast He Went Fast, But When He Wanted To Go Slowly, He Went Slowly. 

So From Then On Bapak Made His Return Journey To The Earth Slowly, And Bapak Saw And Felt His Own Form Complete And Ordinary As It Was Before Going On This Journey.

Bapak stopped on his journey approximately five kilometres distant from the earth, because he wanted to know what the earth he was approaching looked like. 

Immediately Bapak had a strange feeling because what was visible far down below seemed to be stars of various colours and lights. But when Bapak looked more carefully he saw that the lights that were shining were not stars in the sky but were all the electric lights round about the town of Semarang. Bapak Went Further On His Journey And Slowly Descended Until He Was Above His House.

When he was there Bapak wondered how to enter, because with the coarse body it would ordinarily be impossible to enter into a place that had no entrance or opening

While Bapak was wondering about this, he suddenly entered quite easily and stood on the floor of the room in which he usually did the Latihan. Bapak looked at the clock on the wall which showed 4.25, and from there he went to his bed where he saw Bapak's body in the state of someone sleeping. 

He was amazed that in the middle of his forehead he saw a Radiant Light Shining, Bright as the morning star. Then Bapak opened the mosquito net and approached his body lying in bed and kissed it.

After this Bapak's eyes opened and soon his consciousness as a man fully returned. Bapak wanted to get up right away, but could not do it, because his body still felt very cold. 

After one or two minutes, however, Bapak was able to get up and go to the clock which he had looked at before. At that time he wall clock showed exactly 4.30, and strangely, the room had a fragrant smell. Then Bapak performed his morning prayer.

(III BAPAK'S EXPERIENCES DURING THE THOUSAND NIGHTS... to be Continued .. Insha Allah... God Willing... here... as well as on the Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... on Monday 8/16/10...)

Monday, August 9, 2010



One Evening Several Months Later, After His Prayers, Bapak Was Sitting Down While Reciting The Dhikir ["Lailla-Haillalla... Laillahaillallla..."] When There Fell Into Bapak's Lap A Book The Size Of A World Atlas.  Bapak Touched The Book And Saw That It Was A Real Book. 

Then Bapak Opened The Cover And Looked At The First Page: There Was A Picture Of A Man Wearing A Turban And Robe, And Underneath There Was Something Written In Arabic. 

Bapak Found It Difficult To Read, But Then At That Very Moment The Script Was Changed Into Latin Letters And Bapak Was Then Able To Read It Clearly:

"Prophet Muhammad Messenger Of God".

And It Was Strange That When Bapak Read The Name He Saw The Picture Smiling And Nodding At Him. Bapak Understood Then That It Was A Picture Of The Prophet Muhammad. 

Bapak Turned Quickly To The Second Page, And There He Saw A Picture Of Men And Women. 

At First It Looked Like A Picture, But Then The People In The Picture Began To Move. They Sat Down And All Of Them Praised God Together, Asking For Forgiveness. 

The People In The Picture Did Not Look Like People Of Only One Race But Were Clearly From Various Lands And Races, As Shown In The Different Colours Of Their Skins.

Bapak Quickly Turned Over To Another Page, And This Showed Illustrations Of Other People, Also Of Different Colours.  And The People In This Picture Also Looked Alive; Some Were Weeping, Some Were Laughing, Some Were Calling Out For Forgiveness For Their Sins. 

Then Bapak Closed The Book And Held It Tightly.  But What Happened Was That The Book Disappeared From Bapak's Lap And Entered Into His Chest. 

Then Bapak Felt As If His Chest Was Fully Loaded With Something. But That Too Soon Disappeared And Then Bapak's Chest Felt Free As Before.

Some Time Later, While Bapak Was Sitting One Evening Reciting Repeatedly "La Illahaillalla ..." A Book Again Fell Into His Lap, This Time As Thick As A Van Dalen Dictionary. 

Bapak Opened The Book Quickly, But It Only Consisted Of Empty Pages.  Bapak Was Quite Disappointed:  Why Does This Thick Book Not Contain A Single Word? 

Suddenly, On The First Page Bapak Saw Words In Indonesian Which Meant: 

"In These Pages Will Be Written Everything You Wish To Know".

Of Course Bapak Immediately Asked Questions About Many Things, And Everything Bapak Asked Was Answered On These Pages. 
Moreover, Bapak Was Told That The Book Would Soon Disappear And Enter Bapak's Body.  And Truly, The Book Immediately Disappeared From Bapak's Lap.

(Bapak told this story to the SUBUD members in Lima so that they would know the history of the Latihan Kedjiwaan which we later called the Latihan Kejiwaan of SUBUD.)

(III BAPAK'S EXPERIENCES DURING THE THOUSAND NIGHTS... to be Continued here... as well as on the Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... on Thursday 8/12/10... Insha Allah... God Willing...)

Thursday, August 5, 2010


"BAPAK AND THE COMING OF THE LATIHAN"... III BAPAK'S EXPERIENCES DURING THE THOUSAND NIGHTS... (Continued today 8/5/10... on both Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page... as well as on her Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"  and  "MUFTIAH"... via Links given below...:  and   )...:


(When Bapak first spoke of his Opening, in his Talk at Wolfsburg in April 1967, he added...):-

As to the content of what Bapak Experienced in these Thousand Nights, Bapak considers it not yet necessary to tell you about that. It is enough for now, for if Bapak would tell you more, it would seem like the story of "The Thousand and One Nights", and then it would only feel or seem to you like a fantasy. 

It is better to speak only of that which is in accordance with your own experience up to now; namely, the movement of life which you have Received and which we call the Latihan Kejiwaan.

(In the following year Bapak spoke to the members in Lima, Peru - in a Talk of which there is no recording - and told them something of his Receiving during the Thousand Nights. 

On his return from that world journey, in Cilandak, on 9th June 1968, Bapak recounted what he had said in Lima and continued the story of his Experiences. This further account now follows...) :-

From then on something like this, but constantly changing in its nature, happened to Bapak every evening. 

Then, one evening while Bapak was standing in his room to Receive the Latihan Kejiwaan as usual, The Room Looked Like An Open Space; In Addition, Bapak Saw A Wide Ocean In Front Of Him, And Between Bapak And The Edge Of The Sea There Was A Huge Dike, And Just In Front Of Himself, Bapak Saw An Irrigation Canal With A Lock. 

At that moment Bapak was startled and asked within himself:  What does this mean? 

Then Bapak Felt As If He Were Being Pushed Forward, And At The Same Time Bapak's Mouth Was Opened And The Lock-Gate Opened Too, And Instantly The Sea-Water Flowed Into Bapak's Mouth. 

In a moment, like the twinkling of an eye, Bapak Felt Full To Belching And Really Smelt The Smell Of The Sea-Water. Strangely enough, The Ocean Which Had Looked Full Of Water And Very Wide Was Emptied In No Time. 

The Scene Then Disappeared from Bapak's view, and Bapak found himself back in his room in which he usually Received the Latihan Kejiwaan.

After this strange Experience Bapak still felt the need to Receive and practice the Latihan, now called the 
Latihan Kedjiwaan, in which he Received various kinds of Experiences. However, Bapak feels it is not necessary to tell you everything. So Bapak only tells you what he feels necessary.

Another time, when Bapak was Receiving and practicing the Latihan as usual, He Suddenly Felt As Though He Were Not In The Room, And In Front Of Himself Bapak Saw Someone Coming Towards Him. 

This Man Was Wearing Garments Like Those Of Olden Days; That Is, He Wore A Robe And Turban And Carried A Spear. 

Bapak Felt Calm At That Time And Surrendered To The Power Of Almighty God, And So He Did Not Pay Heed To What Was Going To Be Done To Him By This Man.

The Man Ordered Bapak To Open The Pajama Jacket Which Bapak Wore, And When Bapak Had Done This, The Man Immediately Thrust His Spear Into Bapak's Chest.  Bapak Felt The Stab Which Hurt Very Much, But He Was Not Able To Avoid It Or Even Scream. 

Then The Spear Was Pulled Out And Bapak Saw A Clot Of Blood As Large As A Match Box At The Spear Point. 

The Man Threw The Clot Of Blood Far Away And Took Something Out Of The Pocket Of His Robe. 

Bapak Saw That In His Hand He Held Something Bright And Sparkling, As Large As A Duck's Egg. He Quickly Put This Into The Hole In Bapak's Chest And, After Closing It Up, He Immediately Vanished From Bapak's Sight. 

Strangely, As Soon As He Had Gone Bapak's Chest Felt Clear And Wide And His Inner Feeling Felt Very Sensitive, Clean And Calm; And Bapak's Faith In The Presence Of The Power Of Almighty God Grew Stronger.

(III BAPAK'S EXPERIENCES DURING THE THOUSAND NIGHTS... to be Continued .. Insha Allah... God Willing... here on the Notes Page of Facebook... as well as on the Blogs... "JIWA TO JIWA"... and "MUFTIAH"... on Monday 8/9/10...)