Monday, January 24, 2011


BAPAK.. so handsome... and so regal of bearing... was on the stage... above his SUBUD children... who had been so eagerly awaiting his arrival... and for so many years... sitting serenely on a huge... heavily ornate... grotesque monstrosity of a hard... high-backed... unpadded... Dutch throne-like oaken chair... that he... with his enormous presence... completely dwarfed... 

Until now...  BAPAK's SUBUD children... had had to be content... only with BAPAK's precious letters of "recommendation"... and rely on them... to solve their problems...  

Sitting nobly erect... like a king... immaculately dressed in a dark business suit... God's Infinite Words of Wisdom... Issuing Forth... from BAPAK's "Receiving" mouth... with dignified Usman... sitting quietly beside him... on an equally ugly-looking... hard... cushionless chair... calmly translating...  

And watching them... Grazia found herself wondering... why the Committee had not thought to put any soft cushions... down on the ugly... forbidding-looking thrones... and that it must be terribly uncomfortable... for BAPAK and Usman... to be sitting on such hard surfaces...

After BAPAK finished explaining the dangers of incense... and deliberate clapping of hands... in the Latihan Kejiwaan... he explained the difference... between belonging to a club... and the SUBUD Brotherhood...

He said... that of course... if we wished... we could just be members of a club... like so many others... but the difference in SUBUD... was that we had the opportunity... to put into practice... what most of us had already been experiencing... Inner Direction... from our Jiwas...
And how... if we kept practicing... following the Guidance... coming from our Jiwas... instead of following the usual influence... of the cleverness... of our minds... and the emotions of our hearts... being our impure lower forces... which we used to do... before we were Opened into SUBUD... then we would eventually be leading lives... of Inner Peace... Grace... and Harmony... with all those around us...

Grazia listened very carefully to BAPAK's Holy Words... and firmly decided... that she wanted a life of Inner Peace... Grace... and Harmony... with all those around her... 

And since she did'nt have any brains anyway... her adored/feared Papa... always having called her a useless... brainless "dumb cluck"... she was going to put into practice... following her Inner Guidance... exclusively... 

And she was going to stop listening... to what little brains she had... and to the dictates of her heart... which BAPAK was saying... was fickle... and never truly satisfied... for long... 

Then BAPAK suggested... before ending his Talk... we all put into practice... right then and there... the evidence of our progress... in the Latihan Kejiwaan... by closing our eyes... getting quiet... for a few moments... then concentrating on our noses... demonstrating Receiving the Reality... of an elephant's trunk...! 

And Grazia closed her eyes... got quiet... and when BAPAK quietly said... speaking in English...: 


after a few moments... she actually Felt Her Nose... Becoming Longer And Longer... Then Becoming An Elephant's Trunk...! And There Was The Sensation... Of The
Trunk... Becoming Heavy... And Swaying Back And Forth...!

And then suddenly... there was a loud.. genuine elephant's trumpet sound... coming from somewhere towards the back of the hall... behind her...!

And for a moment... there was a gasp of silence... 

Then BAPAK... roared with laughter... beaming and saying...:  

"Ja ja... very good...!"

And everyone else... following BAPAK's lead... roared with laughter... also...

When Grazia finally went to bed... in the wee wee hours of the morning... ecstatically fulfilled... and on an exhilarated Spiritual High... she considered herself so extremely Blessed... and fortunate... to have had the privilege... of being in the same room... with this Holy Man of God... 

The very Holy Man... that the pope had been told about... by the dying nun... who had seen the Lady of Fatima... as a young girl... and Told by her... that there was a Holy Man of God... living on earth... but that he was "outside the church"...!

(To be Continued with... THE WONDERFUL VISIT OF BELOVED BAPAK... TO SOUTH AFRICA... AFTER SIX LONG YEARS... OF WAITING FOR HIM...  Part  III  Insha Allah... God Willing... Thursday 1/27/11...)   

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