Monday, February 7, 2011


[First part of recording missing] ... what is the reason for that?

The reason is that the Spiritual Training of SUBUD, the Latihan you Receive and follow, Comes by itself. 

It is a Receiving that is not brought about by human will, or through the use of willpower, or a method or a mantra, or anything like that. 

On the contrary, before Bapak Received it there was nothing like this Latihan that you Receive now. 

Furthermore, at that time Bapak was giving no thought to Spiritual Matters and had no interest in them; he thought only about worldly matters, because he was working. 

Bapak had this Receiving he is talking about in 1922 – coincidentally, he was then twenty-two.

Bapak Received the Latihan in the same way that you do now. 

It Came Suddenly, Spontaneously, and he had no idea what it was that he was Receiving. 

Even so, he simply felt happy and had faith that, as it was not brought about intentionally by Bapak, as it was not brought about by using the desires, It Had To Be Something That Was Right, Holy And Good.

Now, even though Bapak later got Explanations from Within that Came from God, he does not need to tell you about them, because were you to think about those Explanations using your mind, they would seem to you to be just stories, empty talk or fairy tales.  

(Read "The Coming of The Latihan"... a fascinating account... written by BAPAK himself... featured on Muftiah's Facebook Notes Page...) 

And you will probably find out for yourself in the future, once you reach the necessary Stage.

Bapak is telling you this so that you will not keep wondering why we do not study how to do the Latihan. 

And why in SUBUD we do not use any method other than to follow the Movements That Come From Within, and that each of us Receives individually. 

It is to be expected, Brothers and Sisters, and Bapak cannot blame you if you think that way. 

For even in Indonesia, the place where Bapak was born, many people ask him, 

‘How is it possible to Receive something without studying it?  There is no knowledge or learning that does not have to be studied.’

Then Bapak has to tell them, 

‘That’s the way it is.  You can realize and experience for yourself that if you Receive something without study, if you Receive it without an act of will, it means that it Comes from beyond the reach of the human mind.   

And if that is the case, you can conclude that it Comes only from Almighty God – God Who Is All-Knowing, Who Knows What Is Best For Humankind.’

There was a story told by someone who Received the Grace of God, who Was Blessed by God, that before anything existed – before the world existed, before you existed – there was only the Power of God. 

Then, or so it was told by the person who spoke of this, God Willed and Created something to test God’s Intelligence, Glory and Power. 

There Came into Existence Seven Spheres – what the Dutch call the Heavens – seven of them.  

God Created Seven Heavens in seven days.

Eventually people would come to understand, and say that the Formation of those Heavens began on a Saturday. 

That is why people who lived in Greece in ancient times declared hat Saturday was a special day, a day that was Holier than the other days.

The story Bapak just told you has a correlation with how the Latihan Arrived.

After God Created the Seven Heavens … do not misunderstand the term ‘Heavens’, they are not planets.  No. 

A Heaven is not a planet, a planet is a world like the world we live in. 

After God Had Created the Seven Heavens, God Doubted Himself.   

God Needed a witness. 

For that reason, God Created something that could be sent out, something that was called an Angel.

God Created as many Angels as would be needed for everything else that God Was Going To Create. 

And the Angels Were Made Out Of Light. 

Light in this sense is not light from a lamp, but Light meaning the Power or the Intelligence, or the Ability or the Nobility, of Almighty God. 

So, God Made the Angels out of Light. 

And when God Had Created them He said, 

‘Angels, Go And See The Heavens That I Have Made.’ 

After getting their Orders from God, the Angels went and visited all the Heavens that God Had Created. 

And the journey took fifty years [each way];  there and back took one hundred years.

When God heard from the Angels that the trip from God to visit all the Heavens took fifty years, or one hundred years there and back, God immediately Felt – or so the story goes – 
‘If That Is The Case, Then None Of The Things That I Am Going To Create, And That Will Inhabit Each Of The Heavens, Will Ever Know Me;  They Will Never Understand Me And My Power.’

(THE WONDERFUL VISIT OF BELOVED BAPAK... TO SOUTH AFRICA... Part VII...  Continuing BAPAK'S TALK TO SUBUD JOHANNESBURG - March 14th 1967... Insha Allah... God Willing... Thursday 2/10/11...)   

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