Thursday, February 10, 2011

THE WONDERFUL VISIT OF BELOVED BAPAK... TO SOUTH AFRICA... Part VIi ... Continuing BAPAK'S TALK TO SUBUD JOHANNESBURG - March 14th 1967... Thursday 2/10/11...

Given that, God Created once more:  He Created God’s Will. 

The Will of God, in certain terminology, in Islam, is called the Essence of God, or Dhat Allah. 

It was Created And Sent To Everything That God Had Created And That Inhabits The Environments In Each Of Those Heavens.

Included among God’s Creations, which Bapak just said inhabit each of the Heavens, is humankind. 

Therefore, Brothers and Sisters, we can conclude that the Power of Almighty God, God Who Is All-Powerful, Is Present in all of you. 

Its Purpose is to enable humankind – all of you – to know and understand God and God’s Power faster than an Angel can.

But why are you unable to do that? 

The reason is that you give more importance to your own ability, your own intelligence and your own cleverness. 

Some of you may even think that God can be seen, that God can be heard, that God can be portrayed like other things human beings can see.

That is why it is also said that Almighty God Has No Form. 

God Has No Shape, God Is Beyond Time, God Has No Colour, God Has No Nation, God Has No Race, And God Speaks No Language. 

However, God Can Put Himself On A Level Wth Anything That God Has Created;  For Instance, With Matter, Plants, Animals, Human Beings And Other Creatures That Cannot Be Seen.

Naturally, you think that cows, goats and lizards are unaware of God. 

However, maybe they are aware of God but you do not know it, you cannot understand that yet. 

How can they know God? 

Lizards, cows, goats and other animals are no different from you; they were Created by Almighty God too.

You yourself will have experienced that if you make something you are certain to have a bond with it in your heart. 

Suppose you make something that is criticised by other people, you will certainly feel it in your heart. 

This shows that there is always a connection between the one who makes something and the object that is made. 

There is also a Connection between God and whatever God Creates, be it an animal, a plant or an object. 

Because Almighty God Created it, God Remains Connected To It.

(THE WONDERFUL VISIT OF BELOVED BAPAK... TO SOUTH AFRICA... Part VIiI ...  Continuing BAPAK'S TALK TO SUBUD JOHANNESBURG - March 14th 1967... Insha Allah... God Willing... Monday 2/14/11... Saint Valentine's Day...!)   

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