Monday, February 14, 2011

THE WONDERFUL VISIT OF BELOVED BAPAK... TO SOUTH AFRICA... Part VIII ... Continuing BAPAK'S TALK TO SUBUD JOHANNESBURG - March 14th 1967... Monday 2/14/11... Happy Valentine's Day...!

Bapak wants to talk some more about The Creation Of The Angels Of Light, to help you understand the Extent Of God’s Care And God’s Love For Everything That God Has Created – for all of you.

The Angels Were Made From Light, And The Light That Turned Into Angels Is A Kind Of Light That Travels A Thousand Times Faster than the sunlight that illuminates the earth. 

Now, a ray of sunlight – you may be more knowledgeable about this than Bapak – takes just fifteen seconds to reach Earth. 

That is how fast a ray of sunlight travels to Earth.  Fifteen seconds! 

But The Speed Of An Angel Is A Thousand Times Faster Than That. 

Therefore It Does Not Even Take One Second For An Angel To Travel Here From The Sun. 

And Yet It Takes An Angel Fifty Years To Travel From The First Heaven To The Seventh Heaven – One Hundred Years, There And Back.

That is why God Concluded or Realized, 

‘It Is Impossible For A Human Being To Do That, So How Can I Give Human Beings A Way To Know That I Am Their God And To Know My Power?’ 

Hence God Created God’s Will Within Every Creature He Created.

In Reality, Was God’s Will Really Implemented In That Way? 

It is true, Brothers and Sisters. 

You will certainly remember – that is, those of you who are religious – how close Christ was to God.  Like a son with his father, Christ had only to look up and he could see Where God Was. 

And those of you who are Muslims will know that Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of God, Was Summoned To God’s Presence. 

He set out at 9.30 pm and returned home at 4.30 am. 

That Is The Reality. 

Human beings, even though they Were Created by God out of ordinary material and matter and are nothing like an Angel, in their worship – when they worship God – They Are Permitted To Reach God And God’s Power Faster Than An Angel Can.

Now, it is also told in this story that one of the Angels did not want to obey God’s Orders in this regard, because that Angel resented human beings – who were made from earth, water, wind, and heat or fire – Being Allowed To Reach God Faster Than An Angel Could. 

Eventually, that Angel swore to himself that he would tempt human beings, and any human he succeeded in tempting would not be able to travel to God faster than that Angel.

(THE WONDERFUL VISIT OF BELOVED BAPAK... TO SOUTH AFRICA... Part IX...  Continuing BAPAK'S TALK TO SUBUD JOHANNESBURG - March 14th 1967... Insha Allah... God Willing... Thursday 2/17/11...

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